5/1/24 - Wednesday

A1) Bench Press 7x2

*Start at 70% of 1RM Push Jerk and work up

A2) Rope Climb 5x 1-2

B) EMOM 16

1- Max Calorie Row/Bike/Ski/Run

2- Max reps of Box Jump/Step Overs 24/20

3- Max reps of Toes to Bar

4- Rest

Mobility -

2 Rounds For Quality:

Side Lying T-Spine Rotation x 20 each side

Banded Foam Roller Pass Thru (against the wall) x20

Foam Roll T-Spine/Lats 2:00

Cat/Cow x 20


5/3/24 - Friday


4/30/24 - Tuesday