5/3/24 - Friday

A1) Deadlifts 6x4

*Start around 60% of 1RM DL and work up

A2) Bulgarian Split Squats 5x7 each side

B) 5 Rounds For Time:

30 Double Unders or 50 Single Unders

10 Front Rack Lunges

10 HSPU or Pushups

T1- Scale as needed

T2- 75/55

T3- 95/65

T4- 115/75

Mobility -

2 Rounds For Quality:

Side Lying T-Spine Rotation x 20 each side

1:00 Pigeon Stretch each side

1:00 Foam Roll Lats (each side)

20 Cat/Cows


5/4/24 - Saturday


5/1/24 - Wednesday